Near the end of the 50s Sci-Fi movie This Island Earth, the protagonist is escaping from a flying saucer which is crashing to Earth. As he was abducted while flying a plane (specifically a Stinson 108-1), it's sitting in the cargo hold on top of a retracting hatch:
The protagonists then start up the propeller, and once it gets up to speed, the entire hatch seems to disappear and they're dropped vertically out of the bottom of the flying saucer:
They then manage to continue moving straight without going into any kind of dive, before banking out of the shot.
Is this even remotely possible? I would have assumed that when they leave the system of the flying saucer, they will lose the speed which the saucer has and will basically be falling in a stationary position as they have no lift due to the air only hitting the bottom of the wings.