I recently watched MenTour Pilot's new video about the Royal Air Maroc 737 takeoff from Frankfurt several years ago that made the news at the time because it rotated, failed to fly away at high AoA for several seconds, lowered pitch and settled back to the runway, accelerated some more, and then took off normally.
The original video of the incident is here:
In his video, MenTour Pilot suggests that the 737 was prevented from taking off because of the sudden drop in airspeed from encountering the left wingtip vortex of the A330 that had recently landed on a nearly perpendicular runway. However, the original video seems to show the RAM 737 at high AoA for around 11 seconds after its first rotation attempt. At Vr for a 737, that seems like it should burn through 2,000 to 3,000 feet of runway, depending on weight. (135 kt = 228 ft/s, for example)
So, my question is, how wide is each wingtip vortex of a landing A330 around 1 minute after landing? The conditions appear to be almost calm wind. Would each vortex really be thousands of feet wide by that point?