This question pertains to the design and/or selection of NACA submerged inlets. I am trying to understand what kind of airflow would enter a NACA submerged inlet/scoop and am looking for a good reference to use.
Suppose you have a typical NACA submerged inlet , which has a 2.75 inch diameter hose connection (so an area of 5.94 inch2), and you are flying at 100MPH. How much air actually enters the duct?
I've seen the famous NACA 5i20 Report but can't seem to find the answer or don't understand it fully yet. The report routinely compares the inlet air velocity (Vi) to the free stream velocity (Vo), calling it a ratio "Vi/Vo". It then shows pressure losses for various Vi/Vo ratios. But how do you know what Vi your scoop will get?
I've thought about relating the mass flow entering the duct area (the triangular part) to the mass flow through the inlet, but I'm not sure if that is the most accurate method.