I am studying ICAO's PANS-OPS 8168 manual, and I am having trouble understanding the criteria applied to straight and turning missed approaches. In the manual, it clearly states:
I-4-6-2 Types of missed approach.
There are two types of missed approach:
a) straight missed approach (includes turns less than or equal to 15 degrees)
b) turning missed approach.
When there is a turn more than 15 degrees, it takes into considerations three cases (1. turn at altitude/height, 2. turn at at fix/facility, 3. turn at MAPt). As far as I can tell, each one of them concerns only a small initial portion of the whole missed approach. An example can be seen in the following picture.
Taking the above points into consideration, I would like to know if the requirement for turns less than 15 degrees does not concern all the legs of a straight missed approach, only those which are between the MAPt and the (potential) Turning Point. In other words, it seems strange to have, for example, only one turn more than 15 degrees near the end of the missed approach, which can be many miles away from the MAPt, and suddenly the whole missed approach to be considered a turning missed approach, instead of straight, with all the subsequent rules of a turning missed approach applied from the MAPt until the last waypoint.