While perusing the See How it Flies website, I came across this alarming statement regarding multiengine general-aviation aircraft:
You must not allow yourself to think that just because airliners can climb with an engine out, your favorite light twin can climb with an engine out.
It is legal to operate a light twin with anemic or nonexistent single-engine climb performance. In such cases, engine failure at low altitude is perhaps the most critical situation that arises in general aviation with any appreciable frequency. Like a single-engine aircraft with partial power failure, you need to make a forced landing.
Given that the main point of having multiple engines is the ability to maintain flight if one of them kicks the bucket in midair, why are GA aircraft with more than one engine allowed to be incapable of maintaining single-engine flight when all this does is double (or triple, or quadruple) the likelihood of a forced landing subsequent to an engine failure?