
I'm trying to figure out the calculation to these questions:

A pilot tracking a VOR turns 90 degrees from current heading. The pilot notes that it takes 3.0 minutes for the plane to intercept the radial 5 degrees from where it previously was. What is the time to VOR?


Using the previous question, what is the aircraft speed if the distance to travel is 100 miles?

I used the formulas my professor gave me and the numbers are coming out unrealistic to me. Could someone walk me through how to get the correct answer?


1 Answer 1


Here is the formula you are looking for: (You can use this formula to answer your first question. I'm not entirely clear on what the second question means.) enter image description here

Here is a nice discussion of the time/distance check from the Flight Learnings website: time/distance to station

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you! I was thinking that the result was seconds to station not minutes because you had to convert minuses between bearing to seconds! $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 15, 2018 at 19:33

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