the localizer does not have DME.
DME is listed on this chart, so it is available here, though not from the Localizer. The identifier beside the DME flags show the facility that needs to be tuned to get the required indications.
Are VORs always used instead of localizers on approach plates?
(I assume you're asking about the DME source here) No. DME can be located on many different items (VOR, NDB, or ILS). The chart shows which will be used. In this case it's the IWA VORTAC. Some approaches might not have any DME indications at all because there is no DME equipment suitable.
On this chart, waypoints are listed. The waypoint can be identified through various means. SNOWL can be identified either through intersecting VOR radials or by the localizer course with DME from the IWL VORTAC.
the profile view shows "IWA" (is that the localizer or the VOR?) with a DME of 0.6
The identifier next to the distance flag shows the equipment that the DME reference is tuned to. ILS approaches are often paired with DME equipment, so if you have both items available, just tuning the localizer automatically tunes the correct DME. Normally you don't have to know exactly what the distance is to, you just have to match it. In other words, if the DME reads "6.4", you shouldn't assume you're 6.4 NM from a runway.
Is the thick horizontal black bar supposed to be the runway?
Basically. I think the legend defines it as "airport profile".
So if I were to fly this approach, you're saying I should punch in 113.3 into my NAV1 radio, and fly the vertical step-down profile with DME from the 113.3 (IWA VORTAC) station, correct?
It depends on the specifics of your panel. Some optons:
- Tune ILS on NAV1 and VORTAC on NAV2 (and the DME comes in on NAV2)
- Tune VORTAC on NAV1, hit "DME HOLD", then tune ILS on NAV1 to bring in the localizer
For an example of a chart where the DME is on the ILS frequency (and you wouldn't have to mess with this), see Las Vegas ILS 26L. On that one, the DME markings on the profile show the ILS identifier (which starts with I-).
Also note that even though the DME is coming from tuning the localizer, it still doesn't read zero at the threshold.
Unfortunately, I feel I've answered some parts of your question, but not the actual "how to identify SNOWL without DME". This is a LOC chart, so it should be usable without DME. I don't see how that part would be done.