
Why did Boeing use a sliding door for the B767? enter image description here And why wasn't it used in later Boeing planes?

Looking up other airframe manufacturers I realised that the B767 was introduced prior to the B757. And that other airplanes featured slide-up doors as well but the B767 was the last one featuring them. Could it mean it was some kind of fashion of the airplane design until the late 70s?


1 Answer 1


Outward swinging doors require a great deal of effort to open and close, and can require the operator to potentially lean outside of the aircraft and risk a fall to close. The 757 door originally had an issue where shorter operators could not get enough leverage to open (see: Making It Fly in the Seattle Times. Upward doors were used for a while but they are finicky to operate and maintain and if the opening mechanism fails can be very difficult to open in an emergency.

The translating "gooseneck" door was originally designed by Airbus. The design is simple, reliable and easy to operate. It has more or less become standard on all new aircraft designs.

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ I work on the 757, 767 and the Airbus and I can honestly tell you that I despise the 757 door. $\endgroup$
    – Frank
    Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 3:21
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I also worked on B757 and heard of flight attendants getting sick days from spraining their back. The outward swinging door required opening before some jetways where in position (or re positioning if they missed and a chance of falling) while the sliding door can always be opened after the jetway is against the aircraft. It is also easier and safer to seal a door for flight that closes with cabin pressure, than against it - less chance of explosive decompression. $\endgroup$
    – jwzumwalt
    Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 12:50
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Pretty much all passenger doors are "plug" style. Even ones that eventually swing outside the aircraft usually open inward first to move the seals and latches clear and therefore cannot be opened with a pressure differential. This is another problem with the early hinged doors, a strong operator can actually unlatch the door against a modest pressure differential. This has happened on the ground several times where the interior of the aircraft remains pressurized due to a malfunctioning pressurization system. The door opens violently and has caused at least two fatal incidents. $\endgroup$
    – mfarver
    Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 16:33

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