Following up on my previous question about the typical vertical speed during the touchdown, I am now curious about the typical touchdown angle.
Airliners touch down with the main landing gear first, and only then the nose wheel. Hence there is some angle between the runway and the aircraft's body longitudinal axe. Let's assume that the runway is flat and that there is no slope in the runway.
Of course, the angle depends on many, many factors. It's theoretical maximum would be limited through a tailscrape event - and since aircraft are different in length, there is no general answer to this one. Theoretical minimum would be 0 degrees (or less, but then we have a nose wheel first landing). But, as highlighted in answers to my previous question, is there any information in operating manuals about typical angles, or can pilots provide some insight into which angle they are trying to achieve during touchdown?
Besides the typical angle, is there an optimum angle for any reason?
Again, I am not interested in the approach, only the touchdown after the flare.