I am about to start my PPL, still flying in my FSX.
I have a question, let's say I am flying from airport A to airport B. Both airports are in G airspace and I would like to stay in G airspace and don't go over 1200' AGL to class E. Let's say I would like to fly at 1100' AGL and keep this altitude from A to B. And let's assume we are in un-congested area, so we do not violate minimum safe altitude rule. But I do not understand if terrain in uneven, I mean its elevation is constantly changing, how do I keep my altitude 1100' AGL. I don't have radio altimeter like in Boeing. I understand that at the airport you can get your elevation, also you can have minimum safe altitude from sectional chart and also you can find any obstructions, but how do I know in a middle of my flight (if I need to).
If this question sound stupid and pilot don't fly in G airspace please let me know.