What is the data size of the WingX Pro 7 installation files and databases including the app itself and the VFR Sectional, IFR Low Enroute, IFR High Enroute, and the full "All Charts(IFR)" databases?
I've noticed that the databases for different aviation apps have different sizes. What is the total storage for WingX Pro7 if you select the option to download all of the following databases:
- List item
- VFR Sections
- IFR Low Enroute
- IFR High Enroute
- All Charts (IFR) - USA
My understanding is that WingX Pro7 uses higher compression than foreflight, leading to smaller database sizes, but I have been unable to find this information on their website, nor have their customer service responded to my email question.
UPDATE: I got my hands on a 16GB iPad Air and installed the latest version (July 2017) of WingX Pro 7 and downloaded all of the databases for the US including VFR and all IFR charts and plates for the Contiguous USA, plus terrain information. The only database I excluded was the High altitude IFR enroute charts. The total storage used by WingX Pro7 on the iPad is reported as 4.62GB.
2nd UPDATE: I finally got a response from HiltonSoftware on this question. They responded as follows:
Support 07/05/2017 at 2:25 PM
To: Devil07
Message body
WingX, fully loaded required 8GB
iOS may require at least 2GB free memory when all App are loaded
Space also has to be allowed for iOS
Support Team