Max endurance speed is not the same for gliders, propeller planes (also for turbo prop, right?) and jet planes.
While for for jet planes max endurance is at the minimum drag speed ($V_{md}$), for propeller planes and gliders it is the speed where minimum power ($V_{mp}$) is required. While I found hundreds of posts explaining that the speeds are different because the formulas mentioned above are the way they are, I could not quite figure out why they are different. (I am not an engineer and could not quite follow some of the more lengthy, mathematical explanations.)
In this question the author states:
In case of propeller aircraft, the fuel flow rate is proportional to the power produced. Hence, the maximum endurance occurs at a point where the power is minimum. For (turbo)jets, the minimum fuel flow occurs when the thrust is minimum. Hence the maximum endurance occurs when the L/D is maximum.
Of course this explains why max endurance is different, but it creates the new question of why propeller engines behave differently from jet engines.
At the end of the day both engines have the same task: Convert chemical energy to kinetic energy.
If I imagine a jet plane and a propeller plane with parking brakes set and a given throttle input they will both produce a lot of thrust, but zero power. Advancing the throttles will increase fuel flow for both planes, but power remains at zero, thus it seems that fuel flow depends on thrust, not on power.
I'd think to maintain straight and level flight we need a fixed amount of lift, but the drag is just disturbing us. So we are looking for all combination of $C_L$ and speed so that the resulting lift is as much as we require to maintain straight and level flight. Then from those values we select the value that has minimum drag. This is the speed we need to fly, irrespective of the type of engine. Then we burn as much fuel as we need to generate the same amount of thrust as drag. This thinking of mine is obviously wrong, but why? What am I missing?
EDIT: While the answers I got seem to be perfectly logical to me and technically correct, it seems to me that they don't quite answer the question (or I am too stupid to make the connection). I guess I was not clear enough, so let me try to outline my mental picture so far:
In an Otto engine (for simplicity let's assume a single cylinder engine) a fuel-air mixture is injected into a cylinder, where it is compressed and then it is ignited. The fuel burns and thus the air becomes hot and wants to expand, but there is a piston in the way. Thus the pressure rises and exerts a force on the piston. This force (measured in Newton) causes the piston to move from TDC (top dead center) to BDC (bottom dead center). Thus a force is applied to over a distance (the distance between TDC and BDC), resulting in torque, measured in Newton-meters, equivalent to energy measured in Joule. In a perfect engine the amount of energy released that way would be the same as the amount of chemical energy contained in the fuel.
Increasing the amount of fuel that is injected into the cylinder will cause the the air in the cylinder to become hotter and expand more forcefully. The distance between TDC and BDC remain the same, but the force increases, resulting in increased torque.
But for power we need to know at which rate we are releasing the energy, so we divide the energy released during one stroke by the time it takes from the ignition to the next ignition. Thus we will get the power measured in Newton-meters per second or Joule per second or simply Watt.
From the above it quite clear that fuel consumption for a piston engine is directly connected to the power it produces.
What will happen if the propeller is feathered? In this case the power absorption of the propeller is zero and if it were not for friction the propeller would indefinitely continue to rotate with zero fuel flow. No force is needed to keep the rotation is progress. The piston would still move up and down, but no force is there and thus power is also zero.
Now let's unfeather the propeller. The rotating propeller will now move through the air like a wing. This creates an aerodynamic force pulling the plane forward, which we call thrust. The amount of thrust it develops depends on the angle of attack and the speed of the propeller blade (and air density, but we'll assume that this is constant). The speed of the propeller is obviously different at the root and the tip, just like the AoA, but we can work with an average AoA and an average speed.
Here my mental model starts to get confused. How is the energy transferred? I know must have something to do with out TAS, but I don't get a picture how that happens.
To simplify things I picture a plane on the ground. We use a rope to attach the tail of the plane to a force meter and attach the force meter to a wall. Now we can startup the engine and read the thrust on the force meter. I think we will all agree that if we increase fuel flow, the force meter will show an increase in thrust. But what happens if we now add some head- or tailwind, while keeping fuel flow constant? In my mental picture the force meter will still display the same thrust (as long as we adjust prop speed or prop pitch so that fuel flow remains constant). But that seems to be wrong. Why?