I've looked at the other question asking about when to disconnect the AP on an airliner and I get that it's very situational depending on the pilot and conditions.
I've found I'm too reliant on the autopilot for an auto land in my PC flight simulator. I've been trying to practise manual landings but I'm suffering badly from when I do manage to stay on course with the runway of doing 600-900 fpm landings or floating way too long and I know this isn't down to getting my flare right.
Are there any tricks to improve my landings? I've been trying to start disconnecting the autopilot once I'm on the glide at around 2000ft but I'm finding I'm ending up not lined up with the runway. The only way I usually land well is if I disconnect at around 200ft and even then I usually land hard.
Is it common for pilots to fly in manually the full glide or is it a lot more common the only fly the last few hundred feet manually?