Let’s suppose I as a PIC take a friend up flying with me and this friend does not have a pilots license. Now let’s suppose I teach him how to control the airplane and let him fly for a while. I even go on a cross country flight and let him fly most of it.
Looking at the regulations regarding aeronautical experience for a private certificate, CFR 61.109, it states that the pilot must log 40 hours total flight time, 20 hours of instruction and 10 solo. CFR 61.51 outlines documenting aeronautical experience and has caveats for the type of flight time but nothing for this type of situation however, 61.109 does not stipulate that all of the flight time come from solo or instruction.
So here is the question. May an uncertificated pilot log non-PIC flight time and use it towards a certificate when another pilot lets him fly the plane as the sole manipulator of the controls?