I am FAA certified, but my medical certificate has lapsed. Would my pilot certificates and a fresh medical enable me to fly in Japan?
$\begingroup$ I don't know about Japan specifically, but generally speaking it's not that hard to transfer your licence between two ICAO-compliant countries, however you will need a new medical. Depending on what licence level you have there might be a theory exam and/or flight test required, but the hours you have count just about everywhere. If you get no answers here you should contact JCAB. But that's the first step, actually getting a commercial job is apparently hard for foreigners to Japan. You'll need fluent Japanese and permanent residency (so I hear). $\endgroup$– BenCommented Feb 16, 2016 at 22:05
$\begingroup$ Thanks for the comment Ben. Actually, I just want to get current again. There's a flying school near here that has 172's and I'd like to rent and go fly again. $\endgroup$– Mr. TingleCommented Feb 17, 2016 at 1:14
$\begingroup$ I can't answer your question, but if you're anywhere near these guys then you could renew your medical and rent an N-reg aircraft from them. As a US pilot in a US aircraft, you shouldn't need any Japanese certification. At least, that's the way it usually works but they would be able to tell you if there are other requirements. $\endgroup$– PondlifeCommented May 5, 2016 at 18:24
1 Answer
With a US license, you are allowed to fly US registered (n-registered) airplanes everywhere in the world. Find a US CFI (in Japan) that can get you current and start flying.
The bigger problem might be, to find a Medical Examiner in Japan that is allowed to do medicals in Japan. My first search, at the FAA website (https://designee.faa.gov/SelectTypeOfSearch/SelectTypeOfSearch), didn't show anything.
Not sure if BasicMed works for you though.
1$\begingroup$ This isn't universally correct. For example, in Europe, if you're a resident then you also need an EASA license to fly an N-registered aircraft. $\endgroup$– PondlifeCommented Jun 20, 2018 at 13:33
$\begingroup$ @Pondlife That is not at all accurate. EASA does not have any authority to regulate issues related to a US pilot with a US license flying an N-registered aircraft. Residency has no impact on this. EASA cannot, for example, ramp-check an N-reg aircraft. That is why so many European pilots get US tickets and register their aircraft in the N-registry through holding companies. $\endgroup$ Commented May 23, 2019 at 13:27
1$\begingroup$ @JuanJimenez See this answer and there's a lot of discussion on the web about it. But you may be right, it looks like the regulation has been delayed a few times, at least for private aviation. $\endgroup$– PondlifeCommented May 23, 2019 at 15:40