
In a scene of the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service the young aspiring agents have to skydive from an airplane. I didn't recognise it: which airplane is it (assuming it actually exists)?

I could only find a picture from inside and one from below.


3 Answers 3


That distinctly squarish shape looks like a Short SC-7 Skyvan 3-100, especially since the registration on the photo from below is visible: G-BEOL. -

enter image description here
(Image Source: WikiPedia - Author: Adrian Pingstone)


Indeed, this is a Skyvan. It was built in Belfast at the Short Brothers facility, near to the then RAF Sydenham - now George Best Airport. My father worked for Shorts as a senior design engineer. In the late 1960s I was able to visit the assembly floor. I was aged nine or ten. I saw part-completed early variant Skyvans. from time to time, I saw the finished planes over Belfast Lough as they were subjected to test flights.


It is the Shorts SC-7. You can see the short nose compared to the C-23 Sherpa. I too thought C-23 because I worked on them in the US Air Force. Kingsman_SC-7_vs_C-23


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