Many airports have more than one runway. How should runways be built in order to achieve maximum usage and minimum delays?
Many major airports have most, if not all, parallel runways. Examples include LAX, DFW, and ATL.
In fact, Chicago O'Hare has been undergoing some major runway improvements, mainly to make the runways more parallel. This figure shows the before (mid-2000s) and after (completion date TBD) layout of ORD. Eventually, ORD is slated to have 6 parallel E-W runways, along with 2 SW-NE runways.
However, a crossing configuration is very common at airports with only 2 runways. Here is one example:
Are parallel runways more efficient, and smaller airports simply don't have space for them? Ideally, how should runways be configured?
Additionally, what if we assume...
Case 1 - That wind isn't a factor?
Case 2 - That the airport location has exceptionally variable winds?
Case 3 - That space/airport footprint is an issue?