The Graveyard spiral is an extremely dangerous situation and is the leading cause of a controlled flight into terrain accident. It is caused by the erroneous feedback from the vestibular system that the aircraft is in level flight when in fact it is descending and banking. However, my question is, is it possible to recover from a graveyard spiral1 in zero visibility conditions2? Even more importantly, in zero visibility conditions, will a pilots be able to even notice that the aircraft is in a graveyard spiral? If so, how do pilots notice the situation in zero visibility conditions, and what course of action should/will be taken to recover? I'll appreciate any insights on this, preferably from an experience pilot or flight instructor. Thanks in advance!
1: It must have an extremely high fatality rate, it's called "graveyard" after all. The other names given by Wikipedia for this phenomenon seems even worse, "death spiral", "deadly spiral", "suicide spiral", "vicious spiral" all seem to convey the same meaning, eg. it's usually not survivable. Or are the names exaggerating things?
2: I know a common method to recover is to consciously override the vestibular feedbacks and rely on visual cues instead. However, in zero visibility conditions, there's no outside visual cues, no horizon or the like. So it seems like it's going to be nearly impossible to recover if this is the case. Making life-or-death decisions relying only on electronic instruments that may be erroneous when your whole body is telling you otherwise is nearly impossible, I think. Or am I wrong? Do pilots tend to believe in their instruments more than their own body's senses?