I've recently looked up American Airlines Flight 587, the second worst aircraft accident in U.S history. The main cause of the accident is the separation of the vertical stabilizer and rudder from the aircraft. This helped me understand that loss of a vertical stabilizer is not survivable. However, I have been wondering, is separation of only the rudder and not the whole vertical stabilizer survivable? By survivable, I mean to regain at least partial control of the aircraft, sufficient enough for a controlled, survivable emergency landing. If so, what procedures will maximize the chances of regaining control of the aircraft? Are there any experienced pilots here who can tell me? I will greatly appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!
Note: I'm not looking for speculation, explanation or description about the reasons of crash and course of event of American Airlines Flight 587. Rather, I'm asking whether or not a loss of rudder is survivable and if so, what procedures will increase the chances of survival.