This is my first post.
I am currently building a project for a fixed wing microlight aircraft (UK). The project is a flight computer based around an Arduino and a 4D Systems touch screen. The primary screen is a digital attitude indicator with various EFIS functions. I'm using this sensor currently for pitch and roll:
All is good on the ground and I am using the angle output over TTL to determine relative angle. Works perfectly and pitch and roll all display exactly as expected. In the air the pitch works well but roll does not. It's like the sensor is detecting angular acceleration and not absolute angle. As you start to roll the attitude indicator shows the deflection but once stable in the turn it returns to level even though the plane is still banking. As you roll back to level it swings the other way and then settles again.
I am assuming that this is due to the way forces are acting during a turn i.e. the 'downwards' force is perpendicular to the direction of flight and the sensor is getting confused. The sensor has 6-axis and 9-axis modes and both show the same result.
I wondered if anyone else had attempted such a project and what sensor they had used? It's obviously possible to do this using digital sensors as there are plenty of digital AI on the market. I'm happy to try a different sensor but don't want to buy another one until I am fairly sure it's going to work in the air.
Thanks for any assistance! Tim