Assuming normal fuel burn and one round trip to the airfield per flight hour, at “C” (Cub J3C) I was told that I “can” obtain a US FAA SPL with 15 hours of dual (\$2,565 @ \$171/h) and 5 hours of solo (\$460 @ \$91/h) plus $1,200. So \$4,160, mixing my math and the school’s quotes.
At “S1” (Cessna C-172) with the same assumptions I “can” get a US FAA PPL with 23 hours of dual* (\$5,618 @ \$244/h) and 17 hours of solo (\$2,754 @ \$162/h), plus \$1,600. So \$9,972.
*Yes, the regs only require 20, but I can only do what a particular school will actually do.
There are other schools that offer C-172s but S1 would be marginally cheaper.
The big difference is the test / prep / checkride. Doing two would be \$2,800, but a year or more apart in time.
Of course there will be fractional overages, and not everybody gets a SPL in 20 hours or a PPL in 40. (Although if you go bang-bang-bang through the course of study without breaks I think you are far more likely to.) But I’m assuming those additional costs are likewise proportional.
Therefore, a SPL will cost me less than half of a PPL. And right now I have no need to go faster or carry more than one person. (It might be hard to find one person who will fly with me anyway.)
Even if I reserve \$1,600 for that second test, the remaining difference (\$9,972 - \$4,160 = \$5,812 - \$1,600 = \$4,212) would buy about 46:15 hours in the Cub. (Plus, as a grad of their school, I’d be able to rent without obtaining an additional tailwheel endorsement or taking a familiarization flight.)
Am I not seeing something? Even if I obtain a PPL in the future the SPL dual hours will count once I have a SPL, and the PiC hours will count as total hours if I go beyond a PPL.
I’m not going to finance flying (even if I could). So it seems like a SPL gets me more logged hours 12 months (and 24 months) from now than a PPL does.
sign is because we use MathJax here as there are often quite complex mathematical notations in questions & answers. MathJax uses the dollar sign. Admittedly kind of annoying when you're trying to post dollar amounts. But the workaround is to "escape" them\$