After reading a very interesting interplay between two writers attempting to answer this question of helicopter downwash velocity, it occurred to me that, although this calculation:
$V_i = \sqrt{\frac{F_n}{2 \rho S}}$
may be accurate, it would not take into account the vertical velocity of the air entering the disk.
When a helicopter is in a hovering state, is it not in its own vortex? I am not sure if the helicopter pilot can compensate by adjusting the blade AoA to the relative wind of the downflow, but in forward flight blade AoA must be changed for forward and trailing wind components to keep lift constant on either side.
Does it take a lot more power to hover? Can we predict the velocity of the inflow into the disk to determine the outflow velocity (which should be the inflow + the calculated downwash).
We would expect lower net downwash in forward flight, but how does that compare to power required in hovering flight?