The pressure differential between upper and lower wing surfaces provides lift, and at both the leading and trailing edges of the wing it is zero. Your question is really why does the change in this differential occur more steeply at the front of a wing than at the rear.
The answer is that the structure of front of the wing can abruptly push air out of its path without flow separation while the rear has to use a more gradual curve to keep flow attached to the trailing edge, at least for the upper surface. The thickest section of the wing is usually around the quarter chord and ahead of this a proverse pressure gradient keeps flow attached. Beyond this point an adverse pressure gradient and friction demand more gentle treatment of the flow.
From MIT:
Fluid particles flowing along the top of the wing surface experience a change in pressure, moving from the ambient pressure in front of the wing, to a lower pressure over the surface of the wing, then back up to the ambient pressure behind the wing. The region where fluid must flow from low to high pressure (adverse pressure gradient) is responsible for flow separation. If the pressure gradient is too high, the pressure forces overcome the fluid's inertial forces, and the flow departs from the wing contour. Since the pressure gradient increases with an increasing angle of attack, the angle of attack should not exceed the maximum value to keep the flow following the contour.
The lower surface generally has a proverse pressure gradient on the rear of the wing all the way to the trailing edge and is not critical.