I have a question regarding two pilots, Pilot A who flies under the hood, and Pilot B who is Safety Pilot. According to the FAA Hicks Letter, Pilot B can be made in charge of safety of flight to log the entire flight as PIC time; but my questions are:
- if Pilot B is 'acting PIC' and Pilot A is the 'sole manipulator of the controls' then is the 0.2 of every flight able to be logged by Pilot A?
- Once the hood is taken off but Pilot A is still the sole manipulator of the controls, does this count to log as PIC time?
- Also if the Safety Pilot is acting PIC, who logs the X/C time? (0.2 being Takeoff and Landing out of a 1.0 total flight time).
I see what you all are saying, I just have one more follow up question regarding the FAA Hicks letter. It states:
Therefore, while it is not possible for two pilots to act as PIC simultaneously, it is possible for two pilots to log PIC flight time simultaneously. PIC flight time may be logged by both the PIC responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft during flight time in accordance with FAR 1.1, and the by the pilot who acts as the sole manipulator of the controls of the aircraft for which the pilot is rated under FAR 61.51.
It then also states later that:
However, the two pilots may, prior to initiating the flight, agree that the safety pilot will be the PIC responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft during the flight. If this is done, then the safety pilot may log all the flight time as PIC time in accordance with FAR 1.1 and the pilot under the hood may log, concurrently, all of the flight time during which he is the sole manipulator of the controls as PIC time in accordance with FAR 61.51(c)(2)(i).
So with the Hicks letter putting it this way, shouldn't Pilot B also be able to log the 0.2 of the flight as acting PIC as the Hicks letter states, while Pilot A is sole manipulator of the aircraft and logs it as well?