I really appreciate your advice on this one and please excuse my ignorance. I already fly gliders and am passionate about aviation like many of you here. I work in software, but sometimes get fed up with being inside glued to the computer all the time and would love to find some part-time in aviation. My goal, however, is not to go to the airlines. I'd like to split my time 50-50 between coding and flying. The airline pilot lifestyle doesn't seem like it's for me and I still love writing software too.
My question is, if I invest in earning a commercial or instructor license, do you think it'd be worth it? Simply put, does it seem like job demand is getting better or worse mid-to-long term? Are a lot of you guys struggling right now with demand in the job market? I'm thinking of potentially flexible jobs along the lines of tours, instruction, search and rescue, firefighting, etc...
I'd even be willing to accept a bit of a decrease in income (compared to just doing software) if it meant getting to fly at least a few times per week.
Pursuing aviation to this degree would mean pulling funds I've saved for long-term investments I've made in the market (which you're not supposed to touch!), so it's a big decision for me.
Thanks for your tips!