I am very new to airplane design. I am working on this project to design a flying wing glider (no propeller) that would glide in a circular pattern with a fixed radius of 250 m after being released at a height.
Here is all that I know now:
I was reading around the internet that a choice of delta wing would be good for maneuverability of the glider, however it would be bad for operating at low speeds. I guess that this design would not fit me because it has very poor lift. But at the same time a wide plank kind of design would not be able to perform a turn that well. So I've decided to choose a swept wing for the flying wing. However, I am not able to decide properly the angle of sweep required. I know that the stall angle and the twist of the wings depend upon it, but I don't really know how to tackle the problem (as I guess I would require a high stall angle to provide me the lift).
When it comes to choice of airfoils, I am currently looking at HS522, MH60, and NACA 22112 and Eppler 186 airfoil. However, again I can't really choose between them. From my understanding, I require a reflexed airfoil with high camber and high thickness to provide me with good lift as I plan to operate at slow speeds close to ~20 m/s.
Wing loading and banking of the turn is another thing that I understand is related to each other but I don't understand how I can reach a common point between them. From my preliminary analysis of the situation, I have reached a bank angle of 9°. Is that a good angle? I read on online resources that the standard bank angle is 25°. Is that relevant in this case? Or do I approach this problem by deciding the wing loading and then move on to the bank angle?