More than 90% of plane crashes in recent years had survivors.
In America, for example, there were 568 plane crashes between 1983 - 2000: Out of the collective 53487 people onboard, 51207 lived to tell the tale. That's a survival rate of 96%.
Some experts believe that almost one-third of deaths in aeroplane accidents could have been prevented if people knew what to do and took action. (source)
Beyond bringing on board special items, what are the things a passenger can do to increase his chances of survival in the unlikely event of a plane crash – including its aftermath ?
note: Although plane crashes are very rare, it's nevertheless a question worthy of contemplation both
– theoretically, for argument's sake, as it's an interesting thought all by itself
– and from the point of view that each preventible human death is one too many and unnecessary. For the tens of thousands who experienced a crash as well as their friends and relatives it's certainly not a theoretical question.