Several variations of supersonic transport models were published whenAccording to NASA first studied the High Speed Civil Tranpsort (HSCT). These can be found in reports like this from NASAhere:
This test case is an aircraft concept previously used as an optional case (LM1021) in the 1st Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop. This configuration is described in the following reference: John Morgenstern, Nicole Norstrud, Jack Sokhey, Steve Martins, and Juan J. Alonso, “Advanced Concept Studies for Supersonic Commercial Transports Entering Service in the 2018 to 2020 Period,” NASA CR-2013-217820,DOI:2060/20130010174. See NTRS Record. There is also a description in the following reference: John M. Morgenstern, Michael Buonanno, and Frank Marconi, “Full Configuration Low Boom Model and Grids for 2014 Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop,” AIAA-2013-647.