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2016 Moderator Election

nomination began
Mar 14, 2016 at 20:00
election began
Mar 21, 2016 at 20:00
election ended
Mar 29, 2016 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Every election has three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary
  3. Election

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!

Hello friends,

Since always, I have loved airplanes. That is why I have been following Aviation.SE even when it was a concept on Area 51. And then joined it on the very first day, before public beta.

Why I want to be a mod? Of course I love aviation. We all do. In addition to this affection and fondness, there are certain attributes I want to highlight:

  • I'm always learning. I don't feel embarrassed when I don't know something and always try to get knowledge for any source possible.
  • I've been very active in mod duties based on my rep level. Reviewing, flagging, improving, you name it and I'm doing it.
  • I'm the very first recipient of Copy Editor gold badge. (done over 700 edits so far).
  • I always appreciate others and was the first recipient of Electorate gold badge. (standing 3rd on voters table). I don't downvote as criticizing doesn't always help.
  • I actively participated to revive the blog site.

Why I should not be a mod. Because I do not know everything. That doesn't look good but this reason alone helped me continuously increase my knowledge, learn more, and help others.

Thanks for your time.

This is a lot of self praise. Glad there's a 1200 char limit.

I'd mostly like to be a moderator because I love aviation and honestly enjoy fostering a good environment for Q&A for both enthusiast and professionals so others can learn about this topic (myself included!)

If I was made a mod, my goal would be fostering good will between users by mediating disagreements in both comments and (preferably) in chat. Mostly by hearing out both sides of the argument and making a decision compliant with the rules in our charter.

I would also do my best to help the community to continue to define it's purpose and police that purpose by removing/reassigning off topic questions and by helping newer users clarify their questions to be more on topic (possibly through 1 on 1 chat sessions.)

Yeah, it's kind of super vague ;). But the reality is that being a good mod just means paying close attention and listening to users who have gripes. I feel like my history of comments on the main site, meta and chat prove that I have the patience and ability to do this. And I think a review of my user profile shows that I have a vested interest in this community, and aviation in general.

But, if you don't pick me, pick Vorteq7, because that guy is an awesome mod..

I've been a PPL student for just over a year, and active on the site throughout that time. Although I haven't been as prolific on this site as some other parts of SE, I love the aviation.SE community because there is so little moderation needed on the site: we have a good team of active, high-rep users and hardly any 1-rep fly-by-nights (most of those were looking for travel.SE anyway). I feel that Aviation breaks the SE mould of "for SO users who also like x".

I'd like to use the diamond to help set a more visible example of being a good citizen: assuming good faith, being encouraging to new visitors even when they're posting ELI5 questions or dangerous guesswork answers. Our community is doing so well, I'd like to challenge every member to be the best they can be: to delete that snarky comment before pressing enter, to spend an extra moment finding a source or a good (and public-domain!) picture, to research their own question and then post the answer too. This way we can remain a moderation-light site as we grow, and become an example to other SE sites of what it looks like when it works well.

My favourite button in the review queues is "skip", and I hope to keep it that way.

OK, I'm running because you're all well-behaved enough for me to put up with!

I've been a moderator during the beta so most folks voting in the election are probably familiar with my moderation style: I subscribe to the "moderators are janitors" theory:
We're here to handle the exceptional messes (spam, blatantly off-topic posts, personal flame wars, mile-long comment threads, and the like) and keep the muck off the floors so the community can function.

I am not a fan of "mod-hammering" posts as a unilateral action because autocratic moderation doesn't scale well: In all but the most blatant situations I prefer to let the community handle things on its own (perhaps with the occasional prod in comments, chat, or meta to start or steer the discussion), or at least show the beginnings of a consensus before tacking action.
My ultimate goal in doing so is to help create a self-moderating environment where the high-reputation users vote, close, and curate content actively as we grow to maintain and improve the quality of the site (basically "A site where things work as designed!").

I would like help the community as a moderator. As many of the others have pointed out, moderators are service people. We are not here to mod and edit every post, the community already does a great job and reviews the queues. Moderators are as voretaq already pointed out: janitors. We grease the gears and we tidy up the place, but usually do that in the background.

I have been with the community for some 2 years, have participated in the blog that unfortunately lost momentum and I am quite knowledgeable in some fields of aviation: General Aviation, Air Traffic Control, EASA Regulations and I own a PPL with roughly 100h+ of flight time. I also control on the simulation network VATSIM.

SentryRaven for president moderator!

Why me?

  • I have been active on the site since a few days after public beta began.
  • I am a moderator on another stack exchange site, so I know the ropes.
  • I fully subscribe to the theory of moderation.
  • I keep an eye on meta and have been an active participant.

Why not me?

  • I haven't been the most active reviewer, editor or flagger.
  • I just started a full time job so while I can commit to being an active moderator, I won't be as active as I have been in the past.

I see my role as a diamond moderator to clean up messes and deal with the few issues on the SE network that community moderators cannot. I don't wield the mod-hammer on anything the community is capable of taking care of. I handle flags as soon as I see them. I communicate with my fellow mods to make sure we are on the same page.

Hello everyone.

I am nominating myself and is then reasonable for you to demand an explanation of why I think I would be fit to serve as a moderator.

Let me start off by saying that this would not be my first moderator appointment, sure, it would be the first in a StackExchange site, but I believe that some experiences I had in the past will help me to deal with what might be expecting me here.
I am convinced that part of this experience shows in my stats: out of 243 generic flags raised, 228 (something shy of 94%) have been deemed useful; out of 50 spam flags, 49 have been useful, while only one has aged away.

Since I began participating 2 years ago, I have tried to be as active as possible, both as a member and as a reviewer: I am one of the few to have the "Fanatic" badge on meta and I am quite active in the review queues (I am one of the 2 people that has 4 "Reviewer" badges).

I am also a strong supporter of mutual understanding and I would continue down this path during my appointment; I realise that sometimes this might come across as confrontational, but I think a community thrives on open discussion aimed at finding common ground, be it with meta posts or chat.

This election is over.